Dublin Port MP2 Foreshore Consent

The MP2 Project is the second Strategic Infrastructure Development Project to be brought forward for planning and foreshore consent from Dublin Port’s Masterplan 2040, reviewed 2018. An Bord Pleanála granted Planning Permission for the MP2 Project on 1st July 2020. Dublin Port Company (DPC) is now seeking Foreshore consent under the Foreshore Act 1933 (as amended) for those elements of the MP2 Project which will occupy an area of Foreshore for the purposes of constructing of a new Ro-Ro Jetty (Berth 53), re-orientating the already consented Berth 52, lengthening of Berth 50A, redeveloping Oil Berth 3, constructing passenger terminal buildings and a heritage zone, dredging and ancillary site works at Dublin Port.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared in respect of this proposal. The foreshore application, EIAR, associated documents, all relevant maps, site plans and drawings are available to view on this website.

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage is responsible for making a decision on this application and he may either grant, approve or consent to the application with or without covenants, conditions or agreements, where applicable, or refuse the application.

Section 19C of the Foreshore Act does not apply to this application.

Submissions, comments or questions in relation to the proposal may be made in writing within 8 weeks from a Public Notice published in the Dublin People and Irish Times on the 25th day of November 2020 to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage at Foreshore Section, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage at Newtown Road, Wexford, Co. Wexford or by e-mail to foreshore@housing.gov.ie (Quoting Ref: FS 006893). The closing date, making allowance for the Christmas period, for the receipt of written submissions, comments or questions is 17:30 on the 3rd day of February 2021.

All objections and representations received will be forwarded to Dublin Port Company for comment prior to any decision being made in the matter. Material upon which the Minster shall determine this application will be published on the Department’s website.

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